Lynn's Challenge
We thank "LYNN" for finding this brain teaser for us! (In the future, I'd like to ask you to save ideas like this and share them with me in class, then I can review them, post them on the blog as POSTS, rather than in the COMMENTS section. We'll talk about this more next week! In the meantime, try this out and thanks Lynn.)
Find the names of countries hidden in the following sentences.
1. "Can a day go by without rain?" Jennifer wondered.
2. Claire's pain caused her mother much sadness.
3. "Russ, I am leaving now," his sister shouted.
4. Every March I leave home to go on vacation.
5. Missy gave her mother a mug and a flower for her birthday.
This was taken from
Those are really cool!
I've noticed a couple so far. I love puzzles like this... I think it would be cool to make some of our own!
How about..."There is always a germ anywhere you look"
It's not very hard works!
When the storm blew around the campsite, his cot landed in the lake!
wow, that was pretty tricky. number one is canada, number two is spain, number three is russia, number four is togo, and number five is uganda. don't know whether those are your answers, but they all work. bye bye
ms. watt's is scotland. tweedle-dee's is germany.
wow, that was pretty tricky. number one is canada, number two is spain, number three is russia, number four is togo, and number five is uganda. don't know whether those are your answers, but they all work. bye bye
Good job naive purple monkey. The only answer I have different than you is number four... I have Chile as the answer. Togo works too.
yeah, but togo was easier to find
where did u find the puzzle, did u make it up by any chance-it is possible I think!
Sorry, I didn't make it up... I could try to though! tweedle-dee and ms watt made up their own... I could try too! Oh, and I didn't even know Togo existed, but thanks for posting it; I looked it up on Yahoo Education and it said that almost half of the population is under fifteen, compared to 18% of Canada being under fifteen. Thanks for posting about it, otherwise I wouldn't have known!
Cool brain teaser! the easy way to figure it out would be to write the whole sentence in a line.
e.g canadaygobywithoutrainjenniferwondered
That way there is no capitals and punctuation to confuse you.
For #4 Chilie doesnt wornaive purple monkey was correct.
srry work
Actually, Chile only has one i so either Togo or Chile.
Oops. I meant to say Togo or Chile WORKS.
I got the first few..
1-canada, 2-spain, 3-russia, Four-I think that I am on chile's side for that one-sorry naive purple monkey.5-uganda.Great puzzle!!
togo works too. see it says "to go": to+go = togo.
.. tough call, i'd say chile wrks best.... Anyway, cool puzzles, i like those. There r others 2, i think ms. watt should put some out in the mornings. Good idea.. twedle-dee, we should make our own and that was also a good idea by wyrda to line them all up! im kinda l8 on the reply, sorry...
c u on tuesday
i've changed my used to be beauty_and_brains. BUT now it's raindrops-on-roses!!! SO cool,don't you think?
i love puzzles like this (the first one's Canada!) i don't have much time right now but i'll definitely come back later!!!
tata 4 now!
I'm going with Togo for #4. See ya tomorrow!
ah, its still chile, no doubt about it. anyway c u guys 2morrow.... what about "I like cheese and bananas," Rus siad. Or maybe: The dog had large feet, so I ran. How about: I have a hunch I naturally do some things. (these are really fun to make) finnally: It is a race to set up a picnic, on go, you may begin. (im not sure how fair that last 1 is). Anyway, maybe they are easy, maybe not, im not sure. It's a little late, i know, but i had a sudden rush of mental activity! (*|*) (_-|-_) (^_^;).....
Don't want to give them away WIKI, but 1) biggest country by area, Sapphire's home country, Diamond's birth country and central Africa. How'd'I do??
How 'bout....
1) Let's go digging in diamond territory.
2) All right everyone, let's sing!
do, re, mi, fa, so, la .... o' stop it!! I've heard enough!
(end of my rush of mental activity - see you in the morning!)
chile works, but togo was easier to find. you could spend the time you saved finding togo eating a sandwich for watching sesame street.
wikipedia's are russia (i think said's proper spelling is s-a-i-d), iran, china, and congo, ms. watt's are india, and laos.
Pretty tricky!
But they are really fun to do!
pretty cool puzzle
Hi! I just wanted to say that I completed my homework!
Aren't I so responsible!?!?
Of course, I will work harder on it throughout the weekend......
Sorry naive purple monkey, but I have to ask. Why would you want to eat a sandwich while watching sesame street? Big Bird ruins my appetite for chicken subs.
just kidding
hey ppl,
mwahahahaha i've figured them out...which is really pretty sad considering the fact that they were put up LAST WEEK. still, i didn't actually READ them until now, so it's really not as sad as it sounds :)
oh, and keiran...even if you DO watch sesame street while eating subs, and even if you DO find it amusing, that is NOT something i want to know about. *pictures keiran giggling madly with sub while staring at bigbird* NOT COOL.
i'm not who you think i am
i'm not kieran
General S is the greatest
I rule, hello naive purple monkey
hello general s, you are not the greatest
Are you sure naive? I thought four was chile
How about this one?
"We shall shun Gary from this land" yelled the angry Orange
ooh ooh,
teehee (I am currently sick and I don't know if I'll be at Mcq tomorrow, probably will be though)
Nice 'bout putting more than one country in a sentence, like
""Take a peach, add it to a sud, and then Vati can have her own spa. Interesting thought, isn't it" Alyssa said"
I guess that's two sentences.....whatever
tweedle-dee's are chad and vatican. the country is actually called "vatican city", as it is a city inside of italy
dr. cactus' is hungary
There's also Spain in tweedle-dee's sentence.
and Sudan...
there's more...keep going
yeah, mine was pretty easy
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