King Lear Characters
Read the story, get to know the characters, then........tell us which characters you find most interesting.
Who is 'good' and who are the villians?
Do any of them change in your opinion?
Why or why not?
Welcome McQ Grade 8s!! This BLOG's for YOU!!
Read the story, get to know the characters, then........tell us which characters you find most interesting.
Hey everyone! Glad to comment again!
In my opinion King Lear is a very confused fellow and well...too vain.
I think I admire Cordelia-her willinness to stand up for what she believes in and not try to express her love for her father only for a reward. I agree with Sapphire though-the King is a little strange and shallow!! Can't wait to see everyone again!! Only 4 days!! Alright, I have to go before teacher catches me. Thats right-blogging during school. Aaaaaa!
You are right...Cordelia is brave...though I have to look deeper into the play for details...I haven't had the time lately. I know the main plot though. Anyhow, nice to hear from you. I'm so excited!
yea-I'm not sure how much "deeper" I want to go-I don't want to ruin anything!!
Ewwww...I haven't gooten through it all, but the scene where Cornwall gouges out...Gloucester's eyes! Discusting! I could barely read it!
Wow...there ARE some pretty confused characters! And the ending (yes, I peeked!)is sooo sad! I won't tell, but...ohhhh! How unhappy! Can't wait 'till Stratford!
Is Cordelia really brave? I don't say she really is neccesarily brave.
Unfortunately I didn't get to investigate it more. I'm so busy tonight and even more tomorrow night! Stradford will be an awesome break though I hav to get back to work right after coming baxk home.
That scence is gross pruple pickle.
In my opinion Cordelia is a bit brave, but mostly honest now that I re-consider.
c everyone tomorrow!
thankfully i just looked into it a bit more and came to the conclusion that Kent also seems quite interesting.
ok, i just can't stop thinking about tomorrow mainly because I can't waint to see everyone again! I'm going emotional! (do not confuse with "emo" please)
(please do not think that i'm saying that "emo" ppl are neccassarily bad.)
(in my opinion two kinds of "emos" exist: the stereotypical one and the "real" one. I know an emo person who does not look like the stereotypical one at all and does not like the stereotypical version either)
(I am tired of steroetypes)
(plz do not expand on these statements of mine. They hav nothing to do with King Lear.)
Now, I have something to say about the play King Lear:
I am looking forward to seeing the character "Fool" in action.
p.s. I have not done my hmwk. I g2g. I'm overexcited. I can't wait. c u all.
see you all tomorrow. i'm hoping for a lovely day. perhaps a nice stroll along the lake?
I don't think the Fool is the same as Touchstone though
today was very fun! i'd like to say more but i don't have time at the moment!
there's much to say about the day and of coarse the play and the characters!
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