McQ Gr.8

Welcome McQ Grade 8s!! This BLOG's for YOU!!

Saturday, September 01, 2007

New Blog!

If you haven't already, please visit and bookmark the newly updated McQuarrie homepage and the link to the new Alumni blog you can find on Ms Watt's page! I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
p.s. I added the link to this post.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Stratford and ....... now what??

Well.......our much anticipated day in Stratford is now another great McQuarrie memory. I trust it was everything you were hoping for! I'd love to hear your comments on the workshops, the play, and of course the reunion with great friends. for next year.......
There is no doubt that I will be planning a McQuarrie Stratford trip in May for as long as I continue to work here and, after talking to you yesterday, I think that from now on, it should be open to current students and alumni. How does that sound?? My other idea is that we should do something in the fall. I will be very anxious to hear how you are all doing in Grade 9 and I imagine you'd enjoy hearing each other's stories too. What about a Boston Pizza (or something like that) night in October?? And, for the Harry fans, I'll be in touch here in July! It's going to be a big month!
What do you think?

It was wonderful to see you all yesterday. My classroom hasn't quite been the same since you all 'graduated'!
You are all very special to me......stay in touch, ok??
Peace, love and happiness.....
Ms Watt

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

King Lear Characters

Read the story, get to know the characters, then........tell us which characters you find most interesting.
Who is 'good' and who are the villians?
Do any of them change in your opinion?
Why or why not?


Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Perplexing Paradoxes!!

The link below takes you a very interesting site that explains paradoxes and gives several examples of these logic conundrums. I think you will find these fascinating!!! Visit the site and tell us what you think. Are you perplexed? Do you understand? What is your favorite? Which one drives you insane?????


Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Last Call for Stratford!!!!

The link below takes you to the Area Class trips link of McQ Online which has all the information about the Stratford trip, permission forms, how to get them to me, etc. etc.
I will be opening this up to Grade 7s next week, so get your orders in as soon as you can!
Don't forget, the trip date is May 15! Last day for guaranteed Grade 8 seats is April 5. Last day for Gr. 7 or late Gr. 8s to order is May 3 or when all 50 seats are sold out, whichever comes first!
I'll be updating the Shakespeareance activities soon and will post here again.....
Hope you'll join us in Stratford!


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Grade Nine - what's up??

Anyone have any news to share about next year????????? I'm so excited to hear!!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Subliminal Messages

I started a new website for my Gr.7s with links to sites on random topics that come up for discussion in our class. Check out the link below and read about Subliminal Messages. It's fascinating! The maps link is cool too.
It's a day off today - yippee! Have fun!
