McQ Gr.8

Welcome McQ Grade 8s!! This BLOG's for YOU!!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


What a wonderful week we have had in our Gr. 8 classes at McQuarrie! I have been amazed and touched by the generosity, compassion and selflessness demonstrated by all of you this week. I thought you'd be interested to know that between the two classes, close to $300 was raised for World Vision, giving us the funds to purchase TWO goats, a rooster and two chickens, and a generous supply of antibiotics for children. It was an amazing feeling to make these purchasing decisions together and watch as our orders were submitted and sent online. I hope that all of you will think back to this occasionally over the holidays as we all enjoy this season of gift giving and celebrating. You have indeed given some other families cause to celebrate as well! I am so proud of you.

This evening, I received an e-mail from World Vision - I wanted to share it with all of you - I have included an excerpt here....

December 13, 2006

Dear Ms Watt,

Thank you for your life-changing gifts of Goat and Antibiotics from World Vision's Gift Catalogue! Your gifts will be a blessing to children and families in need, and a truly meaningful way to celebrate the promise of hope and new life.

Thank you for giving the gift of hope to the world's most needy children.


Dave Toycen
President, World Vision Canada

Thank you also for the time, thought and effort put into the Secret Santa clues and gifts we exchanged with one another. I really enjoyed it! Thanks also for the many words of gratitude that were expressed to Matt after his presentation and lessons - I know he appreciated it and so did I.

Have a wonderful holiday everyone! You deserve the best! Check back here once in a while.....I'll be in touch!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Prize Winning Games to test!!

The Nobel Prize site included here (click on the word Link below this post) has links to some nobel prize winning online games in the areas of literature, science, global issues, economics, etc. Try one out and give us an idea what you think of it! Try out a few!! Have fun and share your comments here! Look at both pros and cons ......... the level of fun and entertainment, opportunities for decision making and problem solving, incidences of violence, racism, genderism, etc., educational value, or anything else you find worth mentioning. Have fun!!


Friday, December 01, 2006

Cameron Heights

Many of you are planning on attending Open House at Cameron Heights this week to hear more about the IB program offered there. (It is on Dec. 6 at 7:00 p.m.) Since Kayla and Craig have both recently visited our blog, this would be a good place to address questions to them about the Open House, the program in general, or any other concerns you might have about attending Cameron Heights next year. K & C - I'll be emailing you today regarding a possible visit to our Wednesday class - they would enjoy hearing your perspective - I hope we can work it out!